Baked Goods

A sweet treat with a healthy twist

(NC) Enjoy a fibre-rich treat made with protein-packed adzuki beans. The light, creamy texture is complemented perfectly by the dense chocolate flavour, making this recipe from Ontario Bean Growers worth a try.


The Skinny On Fat

(NC) For years we’ve been told that eating fat will add inches to our waistline, raise cholesterol and cause a slew of health problems. But it turns out fats can be your friend if you choose them wisely. While the “bad ones” can wreck your diet and increase your risk of certain diseases, good fats (the mono- and poly- unsaturated kind) can protect your brain and heart.

Green Cabbage
Side Dishes

Basic Braised Cabbage With Variations

I like cabbage in most any form, but cabbage soup is my favorite.  I’ve been making it for many years and this is how I have fine tuned it to my liking.  It’s also a very healthy meal with very little fat and many vitamins.   It’s also an inexpensive meal.  Ground beef can also be used as a different meat content. […]