If you would like to add a link to the database you can either click the + New at the top of the page (choose Post for links to your site or Recipe if you are adding content with a Recipe included) and add the link directly or you can Leave a Reply at the bottom of this page with the details and we will add it for you. Your reciprocal link MUST be in place before your site is approved in the RecipesNow.com database. (Reciprocal links must be in place by Sunday 10AM (EST) following your submission or it will be rejected.)
Please use the following information for your reciprocal link:
URL: http://www.RecipesNow.com
Title: RecipesNow.com Recipes Database
Description: Thousands of recipes, tips, food related stories, links and more at your fingertips! eMail your favourite to a friend, save it to your virtual Recipe Box or print the printer friendly version and whip it up tonight. Be sure to add one of your own recipes to the database and/or post a message to find a recipe you need.
A few points you should consider before adding a link:
- All submissions are personally checked by WebAdmin prior to being added to the database. Save my time and yours by only submitting those which have content relating to the category or are appropriate for the RecipesNow.com website. (Feel free to recommend a new category.) Links to websites which consist only of links to other resources and which have no intrinsic value will not be added.
- Adult Content will not be considered. This includes recipes, links, stories and other resources using inappropriate language or graphics.
- Descriptions should describe the submission and how it relates to the category, blatant advertising or inappropriate language will be removed. eg:
- “A comprehensive collection of recipes for Vegans” is good
- “The best Vegan website online” is bad.
- Maintain a Reciprocal Link to RecipesNow.com.
While recipes, tips, stories and other submissions made by viewers and other recipe/food related websites will be happily posted without a reciprocal link, a link to the submitter’s website will only be maintained for those sites providing a link to RecipesNow.com in return. (Each and every submission you make will link to your site if you maintain one link to us!)
Maintain a link on your website to us.
Place descriptive text (and one of our graphics if you wish) on your site within two clicks of your main page. Once the link is in place, submit your recipe, tip, story or other resource to the 1001Recipes2Send.com Recipes Database.
Enter your “Site Name“, the “URL” you wish us to use along with your site description, then include the URL of the page containing the link to RecipesNow.com site in your submission.
Once the link is confirmed your submissions will be adjusted to display your website name and URL.
If the Reciprocal URL is not in place upon submission your submission will be held for a week afterwhich it will be deleted if the reciprocal link is still missing.
(Links will be periodically revisited to ensure the link is maintained.)
Why ask for a Reciprocal Link?
That is a very good question! Search engines are very particular these days. They want to provide their viewers with links to sites which offer content of value. One way to do this is by counting the links to a site, if other websites feel it is worth linking to it must have content of value. Not to mention you would be putting your link in front of all of the viewers of RecipesNow.com.
Both of us win with a Reciprocal Link. Your site gets added exposure as does RecipesNow.com. If you have any further questions or comments, feel free to eMail WebAdmin.
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