Ready Or Not! (150+ Make Ahead, Make Over, and Make Now Recipes by nom nom Paleo from authors ) was created to be the go-to book for fast, easy to prepare, Paleo recipes. Perfect for when there’s no time to make a good meal. This book is focused on making a healthy impact on your life, cooking your own food – whether you’re ready to cook or not.
With offerings of make ahead, reheat and eat dishes, and last-minute options there should be a recipe for any need. For those like myself, who are not particularly familiar with Paleo cooking, there is a brief explanation of the process. The two-page description was very informative and easy to follow. The book concentrates more on what you should be eating rather than what you shouldn’t, which is a nice change. Using a fun cartoon style, the author also includes an explanation of how to use the book, which came in handy.
After the Paleo description and explanations, the author then begins with the “What Do I Need To Do To Get Set?” section which helps you set up your kitchen and prepare for your “nomtastically butt-kicking” meals. Here, you learn everything you need to know about how to set up your kitchen, utensils, appliances etc. It then goes on to explain how to set up the Paleo pantry. You learn what vegetables, what meat, everything to stock in your pantry for what you’ll be cooking.
Lots Of Choice
With over 150 recipes, there are a lot of choices for any need. Whether or not you’re cooking a quick meal or able to prepare ahead making ingredients that will be used for several different meals. Most of the recipes have many pictures, giving you step-by-step instructions, and pictures for each step of the process. With the level of detail here, I think even a novice cook would be able to successfully create many of the recipes on file.
The recipes are divided into three categories, followed by meal planning:
- Ready! Prep-Ahead Recipes For When You Have Your $#!t Together
- Kinda Ready! Easy Meals ‘Cause You Got A Head Start
- Not Ready! Emergency Fast Food That Tastes Good
- Beyond Ready! Blueprints For Everyday Cooking
Interestingly, there are two indexes. The traditional index, sorted by title, is second but the first index is the really helpful one. This recipe index is awesome because it doesn’t just give you a list of all of the recipes included in the book. It gives you a breakdown of which recipes are in each category, broken into sub categories. It also charts which recipes are “Whole30 Friendly”, “Nut-Free (Not Including Coconut)”, “Egg-Free”, “Nightshade Free”, and “Freezer Friendly”. I’ve never seen a more helpful index in my life. The only issue I had was that there was no explanation for “Nightshade Free” but that is Google-able.
Any one considering the Paleo diet should definitely try this book, it is extremely informative. I think even a very beginner cook, would be able to follow the easy step-by-step instructions. Because I like a really quick recipe, I chose the Mango Turmeric Tonic which takes only 5 minutes. Enjoy!

Mango Turmeric Tonic
- 2 cups mango frozen
- 2 2 inch pieces turmeric root fresh, peeled, and coarsely chopped
- 1 2 inch piece ginger fresh, peeled, and coarsely chopped
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper freshly ground
- 12 ounces coconut water (or coconut milk if you prefer a creamier texture)
- 2 teaspoons honey (optional)
- 1/2 lemon juice
- Use a high-speed blender to blitz together all the ingredients to a smoothie like consistency.
- Pour into glasses and serve immediately.
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