Intermittent Fasting For Women – Carrot Topped Pizza – Review

While fasting normally puts your body into an energy conservation mode in order to save energy, Silvia Pala the author of Intermittent Fasting for Women: How to Lose Weight, Boost Metabolism and Get Healthy proposes that instead of a “cold turkey fast“, you fast on a schedule in order to lose fat faster.

Chapter 1 describes the Positive Effects And Benefits From Intermittent Fasting. These include weight loss, muscle gain, improved fertility, reduce inflammation, body detox, reduced stress/hypertension, lower cholesterol levels, and increased longevity.

The Different Types Of Intermittent Fasting Methods are described in chapter 2. This will help you choose which fasting style will suit your circumstances. How To Track Your Progress As You Fast is described in Chapter 3 so you can see your results as you go along. 

With Intermittent Fasting, Autophagy, And you’ll learn how intermittent fasting can produce real results, by using Autophagy to clear out the body’s junk. The process is well explained with benefits.

Of course, with any weight-reduction plan, you need to know what you should and should not eat. Chapter 5 gives you the details of What To Eat And Not To Eat During Intermittent Fasting. While it’s not rocket science that soda pop is not included on the list of stuff you should eat, I was surprised that coffee is included.

Additional Tips And Tricks To Ensure A Successful Fast, Chapter 6, gives you some ideas on how to avoid some of the pitfalls of Intermittent fasting. Included are tips on how to avoid getting bored with your fast, and even how to use your sleep time effectively.

You need supplies for fasting, you do actually have to eat on your non-fasting days and you want to make sure that you have the right kind of food on hand. In order to make sure you have proper supplies, Chapter 7, Make Your Shopping List And Plan Your Meals Accordingly, will help you plan your requirements.

There are several meal plans offered, one for each of the different types of fast available. The recipes for these dishes start on Chapter 8, Recipes Of Suggested Dishes For Your Intermittent Fast.

Recipe categories include:

  • Breakfast Recipes
  • Lunch Recipes
  • Snacks/Dessert
  • Dinner Recipes

More than just food is required in a good diet. With Chapter 9 The Recipe For Success: Balanced Diet, Sleep, And Adequate Exercise you can see tips for Having A Balanced Diet and Getting The Right Amount Of Sleep as well as several tips on various exercises to help you burn fat and lose weight.

The FAQs and conclusion round out the end of the book. Although I have not attempted this diet, it does not look overly complicated and hard to follow. The instructions are very clearly written and although it might be difficult to achieve at first, once you’re used to the routine I’m sure it would be quite a bit easier.

It was disappointing that there were not more pictures, those included were very small and unmarked at the beginning of a chapter. Otherwise, the book seems to be clearly written and includes sufficient information and recipes to begin the regimen.

For the included recipe I have chosen Carrot Topped Pizza because I think everybody could use a healthy pizza recipe to enjoy, whether you’re fasting or not. Enjoy!

Carrot Topped Pizza

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The chief complaint of many low-calorie diets is the loss of bread-heavy foods such as pizza. But don’t worry folks! Because this recipe allows you to have your fast and eat your pizza too! Utilizing a nonrefined, whole wheat pizza crust as a base, this pizza has a healthy dose of chicken, mozzarella cheese, and garlic, topped with carrots! And it only comes to 351 calories, so it can very well be squeaked into your fast day. If for example you are undergoing a 16 hour fast that allows you to eat one big caloric meal at the end of the day, this meal would do the trick. Check out this Carrot Topped Pizza for yourself!
Prep Time5 minutes
Cook Time16 minutes
Total Time21 minutes


  • 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of light brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup of diced carrot
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 tsp of cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
  • 1 cup of shredded cooked chicken
  • 1 whole wheat pizza crust already baked
  • 1/2 cup of mozzarella cheese


  • First, set your oven for 450 degrees.
  • Next, get out a mixing bowl and add your 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar, and your tablespoon of light brown sugar followed by your ½ cup of diced carrots.
  • Stir your carrots into the mixture until they are well coated.
  • Now get out an additional small mixing bowl and add your ½ cup of water followed by your tsp of cornstarch and briefly mix them together.
  • After this, place a small pan onto a burner set for high heat and add your tablespoon of olive oil followed by your tablespoon of chopped garlic.
  • Add your carrot mixture and your garlic mixture to the pan and stir everything together for about 4 minutes as it cooks.
  • Turn the burner off and add your cup of shredded (cooked) chicken, stir and cook over the residual heat for another 2 minutes.
  • Place your whole wheat pizza crust on a greased cooking sheet and evenly distribute your chicken mixture on top.
  • Sprinkle your ½ cup of mozzarella cheese over everything, place in oven, and cook for 10 minutes.
  • Your Carrot Topped Pizza is ready to eat!


Photo by Gabriel Gurrola on Unsplash


Calories: 351kcal | Carbohydrates: 13g | Protein: 20g | Total Fat: 11g
Nutrition Facts
Carrot Topped Pizza
Amount per Serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.

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